A National Call for solutions (high tech and low tech) focused on Prenatal Care and Child Immunization

In your answer, you may find it useful to consider the following:
  1. What is the specific health challenge you are addressing? Is it focussed on a disease or a general aspect of care?
  2. What is the scope of this challenge in your country? (please substantiate with country data if available)
  3. Please explain how your solution is addressing the focus area of this innovation call?
  4. Lack of access to healthcare services (including treatment)
In your answer, please address the following:
  • What is the aim of your solution?
  • Please describe the various components of your solution
  • How long has your solution been implemented for and what is the scope?
  • Who was involved in creating your solution?
  • How is the local community involved in the creation or implementation of the solution?
  • Who else is involved in the delivery of your solution?
  • Do you have any partnerships with the Ministry of Health?
In your answer, you may find it useful to consider the following::
  • How is this solution different from what other people are doing in your context?
  • What is the potential of this solution to transform the health system of your country?
In your answer, you may find it useful to consider the following:
  • What is the aim of your solution?How do you measure the impact of your solution – how do you know it is working?
  • How many People have you reached so far?
  • What has been the outcome on the health of the people whom your solution serves?
  • You can provide us 1-2 individual stories about people who have been impacted by this solution or provide us with some data you have collected
  • Other aspects of social transformation
In your answer, you may find it useful to consider the following:
  • How does the cost of your solution compare to an existing alternative in your country?
  • How many People are employed in the delivery of your solution and what is the annual cost of providing this solution?
  • If there isn’t an existing alternative, how affordable is your solution compared to a standardised income metric (for example the minimum daily wage for the community in question)?
In your answer, you may find it useful to consider the following:
  • Has your solution been implemented in more than one setting? If yes, please expand.
  • What aspects of your solution can be scaled?
  • To scale your solution, what would you need?
  • To which areas or countries could your solution be replicated – why?
In your answer, you may find it useful to consider the following:
  • Is your solution dependent on grants, donations or do you have a revenue stream?
  • If you have a revenue stream, please describe it.
  • How has your solution been integrated into the community or adopted in other settings?
  • What socio-cultural and/or environmental factors might help the solution to persist in time?